There have been several publications describing the physiological and psychological benefits of skin to skin holding. This systematic review and meta-analysis was published in Pediatrics and included 124 randomized control trials and observational studies. The review found that for low birth weight infants, skin to skin holding was associated with higher breastfeeding rates and lower rates of: mortality, sepsis, hypothermia, hypoglycemia, and readmission to the hospital.
As the evidence continues to accumulate demonstrating the benefits of skin to skin and we accept that there are very few exclusions for even the most extremely premature infant to be held skin to skin, we will begin to see skin to skin become a primary locus of care.
To read more, access the article from Pediatrics at:
Boundy, Ellen O., et al. “Kangaroo mother care and neonatal outcomes: a meta-analysis.” Pediatrics (2015): DOI: 10.1542-2238.