Why We Are Unique
Expertise is provided by two-advanced practice nurses (APN) who have over 60 years combined neonatal nursing experience. Liz and Mindy’s neonatal nursing knowledge base includes extensive clinical experience as well as quality improvement proficiency. Degrees and certifications include: Doctorate of Nursing Practice, Masters in Nursing, neonatal nurse practitioner certification (NNP-BC), clinical nurse specialist certifications (CNS), NCC Certification, and Team STEPPS Master Trainers. A strong passion for excellence and evidence-based practice implementation are the foundations for our high level ability to assist organizations in assessing and changing the culture of care. We provide program development, education/training, and quality improvement structure/development by partnering with individuals and organizations to achieve improved outcomes.

Mindy Morris
Mindy is a doctoral prepared neonatal clinician with an aptitude for application of evidence into practice. She has experienced and mastered many roles working in the NICU for over 30 years. She has first-authored two papers demonstrating the application of evidence into practice with positive clinical outcomes while supporting team-based approach to care. Her foundational core is an enthusiasm for quality and improving the patient, family, and team experience in the NICU. She is a faculty member for the Vermont Oxford Network (VON) Quality Improvement Collaborative, Micropremature Homeroom. Care of the Extremely Low Birth Weight Infant is Mindy’s impassioned focus. Her respect for the resiliency of the ELBW infant inspires her to share her extensive knowledge and expertise by designing programs and tools to improve the multidisciplinary team’s model of care for this vulnerable population.
Liz Drake
Liz Drake has been practicing in the NICU for 40 years. She received her Master’s Degree, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner and Clinical Nurse Specialist certification from UCLA. Quality Improvement, Neuro-protective Care and Family Partnered Care are her passions and expertise. She has a strong desire to teach the healthcare team about the uniqueness and language of the premature infant as every touch and experience can have impact. Through team building, education, academic thinking and direct patient care Liz has a tireless focus on excellence. Her vision for the future is to create passion and desire in others to practice with intention, purpose and to practically integrate evidence into the care provided to infants and families. Liz is a driver for quality improvement initiatives and actively involved in the California’s state quality improvement collaborative (CPQCC).
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“Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic and faithful, and you will accomplish it. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
What They Say About Us
2018 National Advanced Practice Neonatal Nurse Conference
“Amazing Speaker. I will definitely use the information to update our care”.NANT8
“Inspiring talk! So happy to have been present! I’ll be bringing some of these wonderful ideas back to our unit.”Neotech CARES Conference 2016
“Great conference with very relevant topics, very engaging speakers… Really enjoyed Mindy & Liz….would have liked more time from them.”From Colleagues
“You have inspired each one of us thru your passion and commitment to our smallest, most vulnerable babies….taught me how to advocate and how to fight for what is right.”“You have forever made an impact on my life and my career.”
“She has been a trusted colleague and inspiration for over 20 years. Her passion for babies, in-depth knowledge and ability to communicate and synthesize information have motivated and helped NICU professionals to provide the best possible care for their patients.”
From Colleagues (continued)“Thank you for always taking the time to teach and for being an amazing role model…for always challenging me, supporting me and for always believing in me….for inviting me into your quality improvement projects and for challenging me over the years to take on additional roles and responsibilities to further my growth not only as a nurse, but also as a person….Your passion for caring for the ELBW population is very contagious!”
“With a tireless focus on what is best for the patient and family at each bed space she has taken an experienced group of nurses, respiratory therapists and neonatologists from ‘good to great’…An immensely talented clinician and leader, but her heart and commitment make her great…Born to teach, build teams, improve patient care, and develop standards of excellence.”
From Families
“Thank you for always making it ‘our plan’! Thank you for standing by us and with us for as long as we needed it!”
“… insightful, compassionate and thoroughly educational presentation. Thank you so very much for your compassion and passion for helping holistically “grow” our babies, giving both babies and their families the best shot at life even after discharge. I am so grateful for all your efforts, as both a hopeful future NICU nurse and as a preemie momma.”